
Commands marked in yellow require Premium.

# /247
Switching mode to 24/7.
# /bassboost
Enables bassboost.
# /clear
Clears the queue.
# /delete
Deletes the track from the queue.
# /filters
Adds filters.
# /help
Information about the commands.
# /info
Tech info about the bot.
# /lyrics
Show the lyrics of the current track.
# /nowplaying
See what track is playing now.
# /pause
Pauses the track.
# /play
Listen to your favorite tracks.
# /playlists
Playlists Information.
# /premium
Premium Information.
# /queue
View the queue.
# /radio
Listen to radio stations.
# /repeat
Repeat current track.
# /repeatqueue
Repeat the whole queue.
# /resume
Resumes the track.
# /settings
Server settings.
# /shuffle
Shuffles the queue.
# /seek
Skips the track to the specified time.
# /stop
Stops the track.
# /volume
Check or change the volume.